Lightning Beast Manor

Deep down, Ancestral Master Zhang wished to go, but the White Jade Token spots were extremely precious. To take one would be holding a hot potato! Besides, Qin Yun had declared previously that a spot needed a Connate Wonder. He was completely unable to produce one. The most precious item he had was the Lightning Department's Numinous treasure Seal he obtained from the Star Cluster Hall. It was extremely high in value, and it would have been sufficient to exchange for a White Jade Token spot.

However, he was unwilling to give it up. He had created his own Lightning Dharma, and had passed the second round of tests at the sixth firmament Skyimmortal realm. Therefore, the treasure bestowed by Star Cluster Hall was very precious to him.

"You might be inviting me, but I have no way of going," said Ancestral Master Zhang with a shake of his head. "Even I find such a huge opportunity to be a hot potato."