Massive Merit

Effulgent Great World, Thousand Saber Fiend Sect.

Palatial Lord Kuishi was hiding there.

"I nearly shared the same fate of being slain by Qin Yun as the numerous Skyfiends in the Tenebrous Fiend world." Kuishi was feeling a lingering fear. "Years ago, I attempted to assassinate him, so he will definitely not show me mercy. Thankfully, I was careful enough. Once I knew he killed Supremacy Star Destruction, I fled, afraid that he would seek revenge on me in the Tenebrous Fiend world.

"He's crazier than I imagined and his ambition is even greater. Even the Fiend Ancestor's appearance was useless. Just one operation, and he has wiped out the fiendish garrisons in the twenty-six dominions. He has destroyed many years of our hard work.

"As for me… He probably thinks of me like an ant, something he can crush without thought. He probably doesn't even care about me," thought Kuishi.


A voice sounded in Kuishi's ears.