Goddess Houtu

After a discussion with Yi Xiao, Mt. Lightning Wolf's name was restored to its original—Mt. Lightning Roar. This was the most ancient name. Mt. Lightning Wolf was the name Lightning Wolf Demon King gave it after he occupied it.

Yi Xiao, Qin Yiyi, Meng Huan, and company naturally began to passionately begin constructing and perfecting the new Qin Manor!

As for Qin Yun, he was setting up the array formations. On the one hand, he had to guide the lightning towards the Connate Lightning Fruit Tree, and on the other hand, he had to ensure that Qin Manor was safe. Setting up array formations in the Heavenly realm was much easier. As array formations in Small Worlds could only be powered by Skyimmortal Dharmic powers, it was naturally very difficult to withstand someone like Star Destruction.

But in the Heavenly realm? Not only could Golden Immortal Dharmic powers be used, even the Dao Ancestors and Buddhist Ancestor could appear there with their true bodies.