Nurturing the Intrinsic Flying Sword (Final Chapter of Volume)

"If you have already reached the perfected Great Dao realm, as long as you refine ordinary Connate Wonders, you will be able to push your Intrinsic Flying Sword to the Connate Cardinal treasure level," said the Heavenly Lord of Numinous Treasure. "That way, it would be suitable for you to fuse the lotus seed into your body, or use it to manifest a second Intrinsic Connate Cardinal treasure that would be suited for yourself.

"Having the Intrinsic Flying Sword and another Connate Cardinal treasure of similar strength would naturally be the best of both worlds.

"However, you have yet to break through and are only a pinnacle mighty figure."

Numinous Treasure continued, "Refining ordinary Connate Wonders will not allow your Intrinsic Connate Numinous treasure to break through either."

Qin Yun nodded. "I understand."