Hidden Some Strength

Wei Nation's capital. Royal Palace.

The sovereign was having a casual chat with the red-robed bald Daoist.

"Your Majesty, you have looked out several times; it seems your mind is completely on that nine-tailed fox," said the Daoist with a chuckle.

"Haha, I'm indeed feeling a little anxious. The three Clan Elders are still a little too slow for my liking," said the sovereign.

"Don't fret. That nine-tailed fox will soon be captured." The Daoist looked out as well as his eyes glimmered. They tore through the distance and looked at Eight Immortals Restaurant where the three Clan Elders had already begun taking action.

"Oh no!"

The red-robed Daoist's expression changed suddenly.

The sovereign was also looking outside when he saw the same scene as well. He could not help but stand up and exclaim, "He killed the three Clan Elders with just alcohol?"