The Demons' Changes

"Whoosh." A figure walked out of the void and she was none other than Old Mother of Blackfoal Mountain, who held a crutch.

"Senior Sister," greeted Qin Yun with a smile.

"We are already accustomed to having countless fiends entrenched in various areas of the Three Realms," said Old Mother of Blackfoal Mountain with a smile. "Now, you have leveled them by your strength alone. You have really given the Three Realms a shock."

Qin Yun smiled. "Before the Fiend Ancestor attained the Heavenly Dao realm, the fiends were nothing to worry about. The Three Realms were at peace! I always felt that the Three Realms of that era was the best. The fiendish ways should have been denounced, with its practitioners doing things in secret. Yet, it has been spread with great fanfare, making fiends to appear everywhere. This should not have happened at all…"