Experts From Bohan Island

"I'm doomed." Palatial Lord Myriad Flower's final sanguine light avatar was trapped by the vines.

Following that, the might of each and every vine erupted.

Bam! Bam! Bam!!!

Restrained avatars instantly exploded into smithereens in succession from the tightening grasp, leaving behind only a single avatar. Furthermore, Dharmic powers were injected into this avatar, rapidly sealing whatever strength it had.

"They are sealing me of my strength even when I only have one avatar left? They are really careful and aren't giving me any chance of escaping." Palatial Lord Myriad Flower was surprisingly calm at that moment. Since he had chosen to hunt in the spatial tide and prey on experts from other universes, he was long prepared… to one day die at the hands of an enemy.

"Oh?" Palatial Lord Myriad Flower suddenly turned his head to look in the distance. A silver flying boat was rapidly approaching.