Fiend Ancestor Black Lotus

Numinous Treasure Dao Ancestor and Qin Yun were having a stroll together as clouds lingered around them.

"Now that you have taken over the position of sect master, all matters big and small in Green Touring Palace shall be left to you to decide," said Numinous Treasure. He had deep feelings for Green Touring Palace. After all, he had build it from nothing and guided it to its present state, turning it into a super faction in the Three Realms.

"I will definitely not let you down," said Qin Yun reverently.


Numinous Treasure said. "Fiend Ancestor Black Lotus is still hiding in the Three Realms. However, the expulsion the Three Realms is putting on us is intensifying constantly. He will definitely flee within six days. At the moment he flees, it will be time for us to leave the Three Realms. After we leave the Three Realms, we will first kill him before joining up to travel the Chaos to explore even wider regions."