If you're so capable, poach even the cooking pots!

As soon as Ye Mufan heard Ye Yiyi's words, he immediately shot to high vigilance and defensively stood in front of Ye Wanwan. "Sorry, he doesn't have time!"

Then he turned to seek permission from his grandfather. "Grandfather, Ye Bai and I will go over there to greet a friend."

Ye Hongwei nodded. "Go on!"

Ye Mufan quickly led Ye Wanwan away.

"Discuss my a**! A person who is unaccountably solicitous is hiding evil intentions! I could tell Ye Yiyi wanted to seduce you with a glance!" Ye Mufan cursed as he walked.

Ye Wanwan gave him side-eye. "What are you so nervous about? Could I possibly be seduced?"

Ye Mufan was startled and thought about it. Oh, right.

Ye Yiyi thought she was so clever and wanted to poach the corner of his wall. What she didn't know was that Ye Bai wasn't the corner of his wall; Ye Bai was the entire house.

If you're so capable, poach even the cooking pots!