Chapter 91 Artillery Support

Glolov fired a long burst, and taking advantage of the moment Glolov's gunfire provided cover, Jinfang leaped out and sprinted forward, making it over a dozen meters before ducking behind a concealed object.

After Jinfang had advanced a bit, Gao Yang darted out, quickly firing eight shots, and even managed to hit two people, causing confusion among the enemy. As they scattered, Glolov, carrying his machine gun, hurried past and also ran forward over twenty meters.

Gao Yang heaved two heavy breaths, and when Glolov began to lay down suppressing fire with his machine gun, Gao also leaped out, but immediately felt something was wrong. His back ached terribly, impeding his running speed, so he didn't reach the cover he had aimed for. Instead, he made it less than ten meters before he was forced to take cover behind another concealed object.

After hitting the ground, Gao instantly shouted, "My back is really sore; I'll be slower."
