Chapter 625 Feeling Awful

After all the captives had been gathered and guarded, Gao Yang shook his head at Glolov, who then stepped forward and whispered, "State your names and origins, separate by your respective units. Once the ransom is received, you will be released. Mercenaries, stand together; if no one pays for you, you will have to pay for your lives yourselves."

Glolov lied, but his reasoning was sound, and the British silently started moving.

The British were part of an alliance. Although they belonged to a large organization in Gesale, they were different when it came to specific companies. They quickly formed crowds, large and small, according to the companies they belonged to, while the mercenaries stood separately.

There were only twenty-six mercenaries, seventeen of whom were snipers. Four other snipers who had been singled out stood in the rows of the security company's employees.