Chapter 792 Not a Coincidence

The reunion with the Chieftain was not only a surprise but a super delight.

Gao Yang shouted, "I'm here, don't move, stay put and don't move!"

Fearing that enemies might still be alive, Gao Yang switched on his headlamp as he sprinted out. When he reached where the enemies were clustered, he saw about a dozen of them lying haphazardly in the cave, most with half-eaten food beside them.

There were bodies facing away and bodies facing towards Gao Yang, and several were not yet dead, writhing and crying out in pain. Under normal circumstances, Gao Yang would surely have inquired about their condition, but in his haste, he didn't want to try to extract information from the wounded anymore. He simply fired his gun, giving an extra shot to everyone, whether they were moving or not.

After shooting, Gao Yang continued to run outside, and then he quickly saw three figures crawling on the ground.

Gao Yang said with a quivering voice, "Chieftain, is that you?"