Chapter 801 Work for Me

Ling Chen set out early, and Gao Yang caught up with Bantuna and the others after daylight had brightened for a while.

Since they were fleeing, there was no time or opportunity to prepare anything. More than a hundred people lacked food and water, even clothes, and many were already in particularly poor health. Taking such a group on a long journey without it completely falling apart was a testament to Bantuna's ability.

By count, Bantuna's group of refugees had been walking for two days and nights, but the actual time they could use for travel was only during the day. Movement at night was impossible, and during the day, people in poor health could not walk far before needing to rest. So, after two days, the group had only covered a little over forty kilometers.

After catching up to the main group, Gao Yang parked his car at a distance. After letting the Chieftain and others out, Gao Yang drove directly into the long line of refugees.