Chapter 980: Have You Submitted Yet?

The mechanic was found; the key equipment for night combat was secured, and the biggest problem was smoothly resolved.

Gao Yang couldn't help but clench his fist and swing it after he said to Polovich, "Very good, how did you solve it?"

"The Mi-17 mechanic is a former subordinate of mine; he's in Syria and can get here soon. The Mi-24 mechanic is a friend of mine, you'll have to pay their salaries, one thousand dollars a day. As for the equipment, I found a Czech upgrade for their Mi-35 night vision kits, one set for one point one million US dollars. I ordered three sets for you, but I can only handle the ordering, not the receiving."

Polovich couldn't deal in arms outside the Baghdad Green Zone anymore, so while Polovich had connections and could find the upgrade kits, the people who could handle the shipping and receiving were now all under Uriyangko.