You Are Not Him

Since the chess tournament winner also wearing a conical hat, the crowd realized this young girl was the winner’s companion, so obviously she would make such a remark.

"Please explain exactly how my statement is hypocritical," Xiang Wanshu said.

His expression was composed and lacked anger, but gave a sense of intimidation.

His temperament was mild, and he didn’t want any trouble, but since someone was disparaging his sect, he had no choice but to speak out.

A silence fell over the building, and the atmosphere became tense.

It was Zhao Layue standing by the cliffside.

"As you said, if you played his way, your Big Brother would hit you, so did you mean he should be hit because of the way he played chess?" asked Zhao Layue grimly as she looked at Xiang Wanshu.

What she had said may have sounded unwarranted, but that’s just what his statement meant if you thought about it.