The Only Choice for Weak Opponents

Ada saw that small black wild cat running away to the distance while he was in Zhao Layue's bosom.

The lines of many people's sights had also followed the black cat, and their gazes moved upwards and gradually fell on the distant mountains.

Nobody glanced at He Wei. They were unwilling to make him feel more mortified out of sympathy for him.

The atmosphere had been one of anxiety before, but now it was now full of depression and unease.

The sect master of Kunlun, who wasn't afraid of offending either the One-Cottage House or the Green Mountain Sect in order to avenge his Young Brother, had no choice but to remain silent because of what the Immortal Bai had just said.

Was this due to the absolute power of the strongest swordsman in Chaotian? However, would the Immortal Bai's act alienate her allies such as the Kunlun Sect?

The autumn wind blew over from the distant mountains, bringing a draft of chilly intent to the quiet grand hall.