
"This is…."

Fang Yuan retreated but the Bloody Python was coming straight at him and an explosion was heard


In this very short period of time, he could only execute the inner strength of the Iron Skin Technique to defend himself. A bright red light flashed across him.


Fang Yuan's expression changed and could only feel intense pain on both of his hands. A powerful and corrosive energy broke through his defence and was spreading across his arms.

He was suffering till now as his inner strength of the [Eagle Claw Technique (Grade 7)] was deflected easily by that energy. This situation was similar to when a martial artist who was trained in inner power duelled with an expert in inner force.


He rolled and landed on the ground. He was in shock and said, "Is this…..the elemental force? So the rumour of a well trained spiritual knight having the ability to leverage the power of nature is true!!"
