Dream Master

"The spiritual land is either formed naturally on its own or formed when a dream master dies….."

The Iron-tailed Black Eagle landed on the peak. As Fang Yuan witnessed this scene, he was shocked and speechless.

At least, now he knew that Shi Yutong and the spiritual knight would never be able to achieve this. Master Wenxin was way more superior than them.

"All of a sudden, there is a change in the nature of this piece of land and it became a spiritual land…..The power of a dream master is indeed incredible!"

Fang Yuan still couldn't believe it. "Such master could rest in peace in solitude. What a secret type of energy this is…"

Obviously, this master was way beyond GrandmasterGrandmaster and the level of spiritual knights. He was probably the most powerful in the whole of the secluded valley and even in the country!

The world was too big and this country was just a small part of this world.