Vigour of Style

"Master is not here, and the white ferret is no match for them. This group of people looks menacing, what should I do?"

Zhou Wenwu glanced anxiously at Elder Han.

Standing right in front of him was an old man who was dressed in feathered clothing. He was known as 'Old Crane' and was a famous doctor in the Secluded Mountains Prefecture.

The purpose of his visit was to embarrass Fang Yuan after receiving news that Fang Yuan was a well-known doctor in the secluded valley.

Even though Zhou Wenwu had got information that Old Crane was coming and immediately came back with backup, the sly Elder Han did not want to get himself involved, leaving Zhou Wenwu to deal with it.

"Hey! You are a stupid beast with no manners. You dare to hurt others, so there is no wrong in teaching you a lesson!"

One of the bodyguards of Old Crane then joked.

This bodyguard had an immense energy. He was good-looking, but his eyebrows made him looked evil.