Some Rest At Last

"Fang Yuan, you're pushing it too far!"

Seeing Flower Fox Ferret dragged Hu Yuxu away unrelentingly while Fang Yuan continued to advance continuously, Old Crane was panic stricken. He stepped backwards and shouted out.

"I'm pushing it too far?"

Fang Yuan snorted mockingly, "You took the effort to travel all the way here to disturb me. When you did not achieve your objective, you even devised a deadly trap and tried to trick me. How dare you say that I'm the one pushing it too far?"


As he was talking, he sped like the wind and circled Old Crane a few times before coming to a halt by the side.

Old Crane's face turned ghostly pale. His hand shivered and a few bags of medicine fell to the floor as he stuttered, "You… have broken through the 4 Heavenly Gates?"

Even though he knew that Fang Yuan was a highly skilled martial artist with an unrivalled inner force, he never thought that Fang Yuan was such a formidable martial artist!"