Leveling up


Qinghe County, secluded valley, within the stone room Fang Yuan used for training.

Fang Yuan stood up, stretched and looked at his own hands and legs. He chuckled. "In the dream, I am an indestructible, immortal-killing demon, but in this world, I am nothing…"

"The difference between reality and dream is scary… I've heard that some dream masters were so deeply immersed in the dream world that they forgot their true selves, voluntarily staying in the dream world…"

Fang Yuan looked solemn.

In reality, who could say that the dream world was not a real one?

Compared to just existing in the real world, the dream masters who could achieve something in the dream world were better off.

"These types of reparation are a form of escape, and I will never accept it!"

Fang Yuan took a quick glance at his stats window:

"Name: Fang Yuan

Essence: 8.0

Spirit: 7.9

Magic: 4.5

Profession: Dream Disciple