Level 5

"Elemental Gaining Pill, A pill to replenish elemental force and strengthen the body…"

"Calming Pill, to clear one's mind and be at peace…"

"Muscle Building Pill, bones and muscles will heal wounds within seven days…"

The entire shelf was filled with jade bottles, and beneath every bottle, there was a label describing the pill's name and usage, which overwhelmed Fang Yuan with information.

For Lu Renjia to keep all these here, they must all be spiritual pills made from spiritual ingredients, and all had spiritual abilities.

Normal martial artists would fight to their deaths just to get their hands on any one of these pills.

Of course, at his level, not many spiritual pills would have an effect on him.

Fang Yuan scavenged the shelves, and could only find 3 bottles which might be useful to him.