The Ceremony

It was the fifteenth day of the seventh month in the Xia Calendar. The day was marked as an auspicious one, and was a suitable day for those who wanted to start a business or travel.

The weather was pleasant and there was a gentle breeze.

Within the Secluded Mountain Prefecture, families took down the white cloths that were put up to mourn for Liu Yan, and changed to red cloths, in celebration of the appointment of the new Prefecture Master.

Fang Yuan chose this date to hold his appointment ceremony.

A few days ago, martial artists and sect masters from all over came to the Prefecture City, making it livelier than before.

As the gates of the Prefecture City opened, guests and visitors flowed in.

"The Governor of Lieyang County is here!"

"The Five Ghosts Sect Sect Master is here!"

"The Governor of Cangyi County is here!"

"The gang leader of Giant Whale Gang is here!"