Spiritual Fish King

"This is my granddaughter. Xiaohong, come and greet senior!"

Yu Feishui was relieved as he knew he that this person was not evil. He immediately pulled her granddaughter out to greet Fang Yuan.

"I'm Yu Xiaohong. Greetings, senior!"

Her granddaughter was about 20 years old. She had bright eyes and a natural cheerful smile. She had two braids, was tall and had a beautiful figure. Her skin was tanned as she was often under the sun.

"Hmm, alright!"

Fang Yuan waved his hands and came to the bow of the ship. "Did you build this ship to catch the spiritual fishes during the Drunken Moon Festival?"

"You're correct!"

Yu Feishui took a few steps forward and continued, "I'm a water explorer. With the help of this ship, I would be satisfied if I can get some inheritance for my future generations..."

Fang Yuan had no comments.