Meridian Opening

"Fourth young master, the missus has already lifted your restraining order and have given you 10 gold taels to let you prepare for your exams!"

Chun Lan was around 16 or 17 years old and wore a red dress. When she smiled, two dimples could be seen.

"Help me convey my thanks to the missus!"

Fang Yuan accepted the gold and said indifferently.

"You… hmmmm!"

She stomped away angrily when she did not receive the response she expected.

"How cute… even though she is angry!"

Fang Yuan returned to the house and started to pack up his things. He smiled coldly.

When Yang Hu came looking for trouble, He purposely dragged Lady Wang into the picture.

No matter how hypocritical and evil the person was, she would maintain a kind front in front of the clan.

Lady Wang was not willing to bear the name as the person who purposely prevented the child from taking the imperial examinations.