The Big Battle

"None of the disciples which I have chosen has ever escaped me in history!"

Qing Gui saw that Fang Yuan hesitated a little. He gave a cold laugh and stretched his right hand out.

Xiao Mu's arms had been broken by Fang Yuan, but Qing Gui's arm was still in a good condition. As he grabbed, the green fog started to surge, taking the form of a cage. Huge pressure overflowed from all directions.


Fang Yuan's Dantian exploded as his inner force flowed around his whole body. His skin colour became metallic. Instead of retreating, he pounced on Qing Gui.

"With just your 9th Gate cultivation level, do you think you can defeat my print?"

Qing Gui gave a cold smile and waved his fingers, and green fog came together and formed a giant python. The python wrapped around Fang Yuan and trapped him.