The Conference

At the Green Peak spiritual land.

The fog scudded and separated, revealing a giant eagle.


At the cliff, a silhouette of the Red-eyed White King Bird appeared. Behind it, there were numerous small white birds following behind. As they saw someone approaching, they all became excited.


A streak of white light flashed past; it was the Flower Fox Ferret.

"I'm back!"

Fang Yuan, who was riding on the eagle's back, was emotional as he saw his spiritual beasts.

His Iron-tailed Black Eagle was not only transporting him, it was carrying a huge metallic box with its claw and in the box was the spiritual king fish.

As for the other types of fishes like the spiritual fish and Drunken Fish, they were not as lucky as all of them had either been mashed up or dried up and stored in the Mountain River Pearl.