All Ready

In the north.

Rumbling noises were heard. Sand was drifting in the wind as the ground shook.

There were rows of cavalries. Like dark clouds, they were as strong as a hurricane and as terrifying as a tsunami. Nothing could stand in their way.

At the Crescent Moon Lakeside, the soldiers from the small country were panicking. No matter how much the commanders were reprimanding them, the situation was not improving and they all felt as though something bad was about to happen.

Even the much stronger soldiers of Wu Country appeared a little panicky, moments before the impending arrival of the soldiers from the Yuan Country. This frightened Fang Yuan a little.

In front of the Yuan Country's soldiers, even if the soldiers of the Wu Country was strong, they were ultimately still inferior to them.

The horses were galloping at full speed, and there were more than ten thousands soldiers approaching.