Giant Tiger

It was a whole new world within the icy gorge.

Fang Yuan sprinted 10 miles ahead until he could no longer see the walls of the icy gorge. Only then did he raised his head up and looked at the bright sun.

The surroundings were a scenic ice world. The chilly winds were no longer there.

There was no more thick layer of snow on the ground, nor there was unbreakable ice. Instead, it was a white coloured kind of soil.

There were scattered moss and wild grasses around. Although they appeared small and weak, they were, in fact, the only things with life here.

"What a world this is in the middle of the icy gorge…"

Fang Yuan sighed. He was extremely clear now.

Although it was not visible from where he was, if he were to walk by the sides of the gorge, he could see the cliff walls which extended into the clouds!