
"This is…"

The plump person at the counter broke the seal of the bottle and poured out a glowing pill. On the surface of the pill, there were spiritual inscriptions, and he froze. "Spiritual pill?"

His face twitched, and he swiftly kept the pill, acting all suspicious like a thief. After looking around, he bowed towards Fang Yuan. "You have spiritual pills? Please take a seat, and we'll serve you tea!"


Fang Yuan looked down and acted mysteriously.

In fact, the value of these spiritual pills was beyond his expectations.

'That's true… After all, Descending Star City is on its own, and I don't see any alchemy masters passing down their skills. They are also scarce in resources…'

Looking at the attentive person at the counter, Fang Yuan came to a conclusion. "The value of these spiritual pills are more than what I've guessed."
