Chapter 218 Spiritual Seed

"Wuu! Wuuuu!"

Within the cavern, the Bight Moon Pearl illuminated the entire place with a green glow. They all had a creepy look as the green glow landed on their faces.

This was especially so for the spiritual monkey's head in Fang Yuan's hands. Even though the head was already severed off, it still had the vitality in it. Shrieking loudly, it opened its fangs as though it wanted to cause trouble.

"What is this… weird creature…"

Both Qin Yun and Qin Qing gave a disgusted look.

"Indeed a weird creature!"

Fang Yuan walked up and examined the black mist that was spurting out from the spiritual monkey's severed head.

"Hiss… Hiss…"

The black mist was thick and started to slither up Fang Yuan's fingers like a hand full of life.


As his eyes glittered, he exerted his elemental force.


White smoke emerged. His elemental force was against the dark force and it had resulted in a stalemate.