Human Tribulation

In the district city, in front of the Black Water General's Temple.

"This is an order from the District Leader. Since this god required live sacrifice, it is an evil one. The destruction of its own statue is a sign from the heavens that it is being punished. Don't be alarmed by this!"

Two government servants raised gongs and shouted at the top of their lungs as they explained what had happened in the temple to the residents.

After a seal was pasted on the doors of the temple, a print of the district leader was imprinted, forming a seal.

In reality, such a weak seal would do nothing to trap the original Black Water Old Turtle. But now, it was enough to trap its weak spirit.

"This is creepy. In just one night, so many Water Gods have been killed…"

"Not just that, even the Clear Wind Temple has been reduced to ashes. Could there be a powerful demon passing by our district, hence causing all these?"