Green Fish

Night fell.

The Golden Court Lake sparkled under the moonlight. There were only a few boats berthed ashore that had lamps still lit up.

There was no wind, however, a small boat was floating by itself on the lake. It was a unique sight.

On the boat, there was a gorgeous young lady clad in chiffon. However, her expression was cold as ice and she seemed different from normal people.

"Since I came over personally, why does the Dragon God not want to meet me?"

The lady let out a quiet sigh at an empty spot.

After a long pause, a voice could be heard from beneath the lake, "Divine Demon Queen, ruler of all demons on Da Chu's land, what brought you here personally?"

A shadow appeared underneath the lake. It was the Golden Court Dragon God. He then emerged from the waters and sat opposite the Divine Demon Queen.

"You really do not know? Or are you acting like you do not know…?"