Surrounding the Capital

"My Lord!"

Li Luan had a pale look. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Xu Ting and softly exclaimed.


Xu Ting acknowledged, but his mind was complicated.

After all, their feelings for each other were real when they were younger. However, since they were not suited for each other and coupled with the fact that the daoist priests from Xuan Zhen Sect had repeatedly warned him about Li Luan, he had neglected her for the past few years.

However, hope was not lost.

Immediately, he walked towards her and spoke in a soothing voice. "It has been hard on you for the past few years. I have already written a letter to my father, informing him of my intention to marry you after the war is over…"

"Thank you, my Lord!"

This was a dream come true for her. However, Li Luan was confused as she felt a chill down her spine.