The He Family Caravan

The sun was setting and the wind was chilly.

As the surroundings became dim, the crows cawed upon a tree as they glared at a person beneath the tree, as though they were waiting for him to rot so that they could feast on him.

The person flipped over. Although there were blood stains on his face, he appeared young. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and released a streak of white energy from his mouth.


"Caw! Caw!"

The crows shook and a few feathers fell off. They quickly flew away in shock and would not dare to return.

"Mmm… Although I am injured, I am rather lucky not to have died!"

This person was Fang Yuan. As he examined himself, he realised that he was severely injured.

"The 3 magical swords are long destroyed and I will need a lot of dream elemental force to rebuild them. My physical martial artist body has been injured as I travelled through space. I can't even move a muscle now!"