Jiuli Division

There were many mountains in the South.

In the lush and sprawling primitive forests, there were numerous ancient and towering trees that formed a canopy which blocked out the sun. Colourful clouds enveloped the area too which was a beautiful sight to behold. However, it was actually a dangerous trap in disguise as they were actually poisonous miasma.

In such a harsh environment, even the people in the realm would find it hard to survive here. There was little life and even Xia could not exert his influence here.

At this point in time, in a huge mountain.

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge!"

Rows of people from the Jiuli Tribe gathered. Their eyes were burning with passion and their skin was tanned. The average tribe member here was about 8 feet tall and they were all like mini giants. They smeared colourful paint on their faces and shouted as they waved their weapons in the air.