The Past

After a few days.

The messengers who had come to congratulate Fang Yuan took their leave. Only a few elders of the Realm Alliance stayed behind.

In the main hall, there was a huge round table. Children of different spiritual auras were seated around the table.

"Alright! Fang Yuan, let me introduce them to you. These are the 7 Elders of the Realm Alliance. I'm sure you've met Xi Chen and Green Wood. Next up, we have Black Water, Thick Earth, Sharp Gold and Extreme Yin!"

Elder Smelter's Fiery Child started to introduce all of them. Although he had an aged voice, he sounded proud.

"I am junior Fang Yuan. Please accept my greetings, Elders!"

A hint of gold flashed across Fang Yuan's eyes.

All these children had different spiritual auras as though they were wearing different masks. For instance, on Fiery Dragon Child, there was the illusionary image of Elder Smelter's face on it.