Medicinal Herbs

"Knock! Knock!"

Morning, the next day.

The sun just rose and a violent knocking noise could already be heard from outside the door.

"Who is it?"

Fang Yuan opened the door groggily and saw two policemen in peak caps, "What's the matter, officers?"

"Are you Fang Yuan?"

A tall policeman flipped through his records and continued asking, "Eh, Sambhogakaya Monastery Heart Questioning House's owner? You even sold an Aquilaria Maitreya yesterday?"

"Yes, I have already instructed my shop assistants to pay the taxes!"

Fang Yuan asked confusedly, "Is there any other matter?"

"Yesterday night, where were you between 12am to 3am?"

The other policemen questioned him sternly. As the policemen represented the law's sense of righteousness, they could easily cause those who were not firm in their thoughts to waver and let the cat out of the bag.