
"Not only that..."

Charles' face was a deathly pale, but the wound on his thigh was bleeding less now.

"She even ate some of Sauron's and my flesh so as to gain our abilities…"

"What the heck!"

Amun shouted.

"I've said it before. The Demon Weapon Plan was a terrible mistake to begin with!"

Charlie and Sauron turned to Fang Yuan awkwardly.

"Haha… maybe you brought this upon yourself?"

Fang Yuan laughed cruelly and turned to walk away.

"Mr Lei..."

Old Man Paul called out to Fang Yuan.

"What are you doing?"

"Leaving this place, of course!"

Fang Yuan answered self righteously.

"You people created a monster to deal with me… and now that you've lost control of it, you expect me to clear up your mess for you… Please, do I look like an idiot to you?"

"But… but…"

Charlie became incoherent.