

"Run quickly!"

In an instant, the crowd around the carriage dispersed quickly with occasional shrieks coming from the martial artists, as though they were trying to avoid a plague.

No! The effects of the Demon Spirit were scarier than a plague!


A tentacle struck towards Extreme Yin and a whisker started to grow out from the egg on the tip of the tentacle. With that, the screams of a girl were heard.


Fang Yuan frowned. With a fist, he broke the tentacle in mid-air.

The tentacles and the egg exploded, tainting the ground black. Within moments, the black fluid started to corrode into the ground, leaving many small holes. A thick white smoke started to billow from these holes.

"Bloop! Bloop!"

The mutated martial artist started to transform. His head slowly turned into that of a large octopus. As his tentacles continue to grow, he was looking for a way to escape.

"Heavenly Eagle Claw!"