Demon Spirit

Although the might of a True Sage could easily overpower normal demons, this did not include Demon Spirits!

After the high-pitched exclamation, 10 odd-looking Demon Spirits appeared at once before targeting the group of them.

"These beasts are being led by a sentient being!"

With a laugh, Fang Yuan struck his fist out. "Chaos Divine Fist!"


The giant behind him struck its fist out as though it attempted to split the earth beneath its feet. An illusionary domain appeared, trapping 10 over Demon Spirits within it.

After a huge explosion, the Demon Spirits disintegrated, turning into a current of air. Even the weakest of their wills were being crushed by Fang Yuan's martial arts willpower, giving it no chance to revive.

"I've found you!"

Fang Yuan hurriedly made his way 300 yards into the swarm of Demon Spirits and disappeared among them.

"Chirp! Chirp!"