
"How is it going? Any new discovery?"

Jiese watched as Fang Yuan used his Fiery Golden Eyes to scan the surroundings.

"No! It's all clean!"

Fang Yuan shook his head and turned to face the village chief.

"Is this really the temple?"

"Sir… my ancestors are all here? Why would I lie?"

The village chief replied hurriedly upon noticing Fang Yuan's scowl.

Fang Yuan could tell from his reaction that he was telling the truth.

"Is there nowhere else other than this place?"

"Yes, there is nothing else!"


Fang Yuan shook his head.

"Let's go! We'll go look for Madam Donghua!"


Jiese has a grave look on his face.

"Could it be… that you want to receive that 'thing''s curse and try to save Goudan's life?"

"Things probably can't get any worse, am I right?"

Fang Yuan nodded and took Jiese to Madam Donghua.