The Yeomen

"The way of the witches is rooted in the strengthening of the bloodline as well as…"

Fang Yuan sat cross-legged and contemplated the differences between the present world and its past.

The Ancient One had harvested a wave of energy from the old Ancient Realm, which left it gravely damaged. When the Realm Alliance and the Hidden Dragon Guards were involved in a violent conflict, the Ancient Realm had taken the opportunity to achieve independence. The Realm was determined to never return to its old state. It organised an internal purge while foreigners were denied entry.

The marks of the Da Qian dream masters had been cleared away and all that was left was the dao that truly belonged to this world.

"Every world has its own expansion pathways and power systems. One would not necessarily die if they propagated energy from elsewhere but they would most definitely face many obstacles while doing so and might even incur divine retribution!"