Sword Sage

Transnational organisations like the Hundred Schools of Thought almost always appealed to self-interest.

They could even be seen as political organisations. This made Fang Yuan extremely worried.

"From the looks of the tribal energy… the Shang Dynasty is not stable… it is surrounded by over 800 feudal states, which greatly limits its potential for expansion. Less than thirty per cent of the world's land is under the direct control of the Shang King."

In Fang Yuan's opinion, the reality in this Shang Dynasty was more similar to the Warring States era.

"Jie… our King appreciates talented people and will definitely reward you handsomely. Shall we head over to Sir Cao's school of swordsmanship after we meet with the King?"

Meng Kuo had a kind smile on his face.

"No thanks… please tell Senior Fang that I am a happy-go-lucky person and couldn't care less for wealth and glory!"

Fang Yuan smiled back and waved goodbye.