
The pleasant early morning sunshine scattered across the floor, it was dazzlingly beautiful.

A breeze blew past; if the ruined Bay of Pigs wasn't in the picture, the weather was definitely enjoyable.

Fang Yuan walked through the Bay of Pigs, his backpack full from the harvest from the previous night.

After watching Almon and the other kids leave, he responded to Daybreak Sword's call and attacked the Night Family Clan. The outcome was obvious.

The bag full of his spoils of war said a lot about his harvest.

The fire at the harbor had already been extinguished, only the spirals of smoke were still being fought off.

The survivors had a lifeless look in their eyes as they looked at either the debris in front of them or the corpses on the floor. Someone cried out first, and promptly, it became a sea of howling grief.