
In the morning, warm rays of sunlight shone down.

Together with the nearby Sacred Mountain Demon Hunter Headquarters, the whole of Kotori City had long transformed into a wasteland.

The invasion from the previous night had also caused the Night Family Clans to suffer a huge loss. The number of dead Evil Demons exceeded 10, and this included Darkness Evil Demon Ainz from the original powerful Evil Demon trio. The remaining Evil Demon trio, "Chaos" and "Evil," were also heavily injured and could be considered defeated.

Even the Night Family Clans were in this state. On the other hand, the losses of the Demon Hunters were much more difficult to calculate.

Let's not talk about the casualties of the average Demon Hunters and their families. Within just the whole Demon Hunter Headquarters, the people there were also massacred, and many structures and buildings were burned to ashes.