Creating a new era

A higher being Dream Master can create spirits.

A Sage Creator can produce an intelligent population!

Fang Yuan's current ability could even open up the ground and the heavens and breed all manner of existences.

At that moment, all the energy was greatly concentrated onto the sword-wielding child, immediately creating the seven higher beings!

"The Creation pathway is so rich and magical!"

Fang Yuan clearly knew that the reason for his accumulation of knowledge was in the Demon Hunter Realm.

However, it was regarded as a huge catastrophe to the other demon generals.

"The master has instructed us to kill all demon spirits without exception!"

All of a sudden, accompanied by the shouts of the teenage sword brothers, many of the children responded. Seven sword columns that spanned from the earth to the sky appeared, and it developed into a scene involving the Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water.