Sentence to the Gallows

Michule let the servant serve water, opened his mouth, and asked, "Yes… One troublesome matter. Do you still remember Luhn? He's that lad who we organized the funeral arrangement for today."

"Of course I remember. He's such a pitiable lad. He stayed in the forest for an entire night, and it must be really unbearable!"

A strange look flashed across Torello's eyes, and he sighed while saying.

"I don't believe that you didn't hear any news!"

This attitude instantly made Michule roll his eyes. "He isn't pitiable at all now. Conversely… he's very lucky! He's going to become a horseman and obtain the rank of a knight."

"That's… too unbelievable…"

Although Torello was complimenting him, Michule still found a glimmer of jealousy hidden beneath his eyes.

"The fortune and troubles that the position brings about are also unbearable."

Michule grinned and said, "As the pastor of the Death God, what sort of abnormity do you think Luhn has?"