
After the autumn harvest, time gradually flowed into winter.

For the people of the Stan Duchy, an important festival was about to arrive.

Celebrating the day of the founding of the duchy, a massive celebration would be carried out in the capital city, Santana. To increase the festive atmosphere, the ruling family would also be distributing free food and alcohol. This was perhaps the only opportunity in the year the lower class serfs could eat until they were full.

The founding celebration this time seemed to be grander than before. Many nobles had rushed over from far away, making Santana City look like a sea of people.

This was all because the beloved daughter of Grand Duke Stan, Princess Amerie, was about to marry!

It was rumored that this princess had a voice akin to as skylark and was a favorite of the Grand Duke and his wife. However, for unknown reasons, the person she was marrying was actually not some earl or marquis, but just a baron.