
"The Half-God Son of Purgatory? Jay, right?"

The Pope of Death, Garrett, was assassinated while everyone was watching, and even had his artifact taken away, causing the entire scene to instantly descend into a deathly stillness.

Especially the final glow that took away the artifact; it was unquestionably a God's power!

Seeing this, many death priests were nearly devastated. The archbishops ran for their lives, while the death knights were even more so at a loss.

Fang Yuan looked on indifferently but clearly knew everything that had happened. "Part of the reason for this is revenge. The most important reason is to apotheosize!"

Garrett, being the pope appointed by the Death God, with the flesh, blood, and soul of his body, coupled with that artifact, was in fact a key!

A True God's God Nation naturally resisted all external powers. Even a strong God entering a nation with a weak God would suffer confinement and weakening.